Creativetopia - The Law of Attraction for Developing Your Brand

 How strong is your brand identity?

Recognition is the result of a well developed brand identity. Before we approach someone or some situation, we usually spend a bit of time surveying. We’re like scavengers, looking and listening intently in order to collect as much information as possible so that by the time we actually make our approach, we have drawn some conclusion about the subject at hand.

As consumers, we hold the same mentality. We’re always perceiving and always developing feelings and preferences. Even when we purchase on impulse, something in our subconscious drives us to choose one product over another.

Just like you and me, brands have personalities, and based on their personalities they attract different people. The key to creating a successful brand identity is to establish your audience and get to know them like you know your right thumb is bigger than your left and the origin of the fading scar behind your ear. If you know what people like it’s a lot easier to please them. You want to make sure that if they love sunflowers you don’t deliver daisies. You want to keep them happy while still staying interesting enough to keep them on their toes. That’s the secret to developing a successful brand identity that will attract new business.

So where do you begin?

First you have to define your target audience. You probably have a few different audiences, but who is most loyal to you? Who makes your product or service a priority in their lives?

Once you’ve figured out who your core group of fans are, get to know them. Focus groups and market research are a great way to do this. After all, brand identity is largely based upon your target audience.

From here you should have a pretty good idea of what your target audience is looking for and can begin making a game plan as to how to talk to them and share what makes you unique. Remember, all audiences respond differently so it’s important to think about the best way to get the message across. You probably wouldn’t speak to your grandmother the same way you’d speak to your best friends. With the former, you’d be more careful about what you say and how you say it. You’d probably leave out details and would hold your tongue more so than you would around your crew.

Don’t forget that what you’re communicating is just as important as how you are communicating. Every company has a brand promise, a deal between you and your consumers that defines what makes your brand special to your target audience.

It’s important to establish this promise from the get-go as it will help guide you in all of your marketing efforts, enabling you to effectively reach and attract your loyal customers and therefore maintain the value of your brand identity.

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